Invaders: A Zine About Ecological Rhetoric

Digital Horizons
El Green

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What is wellness in a world completely disconnected from nature and the complexity of reality? When a normal life means being part of a system at odds with the fundamental survival of the planet, that pits the diverse experiences of people against each other, is fitting in and assimilating really progress?


SEPTEMBER 16, 2021

How does one live a life of purpose and meaning when constantly shown every possible permutation their life could theoretically take?

The Urgency and Inadequacy of Language

May 17, 2021

Language as a tool of solidarity and resistance may lack immediacy, but is no less essential in times of urgent moral crisis.


Most of us grow up accustomed to the banking model of education, where we are treated as empty vessels to be filled with knowledge by figures of intellectual authority. Our own critical thinking and perspective is treated as less valuable and important than our ability to regurgitate the thinking of others.

Liberation thinking, on the other hand, asks to engage in thought that is generative, not received, and therefore opposite to the banking education model so many of us are conditioned to accept as true.
